AzDO Pipelines
Version-control & CI/CD your Power BI reports: Using DevOps Git Repos and Pipelines
I'll show you how to orchestrated thru Azure DevOps pipelines a fully functional CI/CD cycle for your Power BI reports.
AzDO Pipelines
I'll show you how to orchestrated thru Azure DevOps pipelines a fully functional CI/CD cycle for your Power BI reports.
AzDO Pipelines
Learn to create a Visual Studio Database project, host it in a DevOps Git repo, and deploy it using Azure DevOps pipelines.
AzDO Pipelines
This would be our final leap forward where I will divide ADF components into two groups two groups: Core and Data-Product; I'll explain why I think this is a good approach for enterprise scale setups where you might have a team dedicated to provide infrastructure services.
In this article, we will explore what Bicep is, how it works, and how it can help you simplify and automate your Azure deployments.
This is a series of 3 articles: Part 1 to provide guidance to get Azure & DevOps accounts, Part 2 explains how to work with code repositories and my suggested branching strategy, and Part 3 I explain the code behind the YAML pipeline and how to use it to achieve a multi-environment deployment.
The purpose of this article is to explain how access to an SQL Database can be configured from a Visual Studio (VS) Project in order to be deployed along with a DACPAC thru DevOps pipelines.